Q2 ALS RWB API insert pumps are thin-walled, sta-tionary barrel, top hold-down pumps recognized by API as a standard design. These pumps are suitable for moderate to maximum depths of ap-proximately 10,000’. The thin-walled barrel has depth limitations due to the 1/8” thickness of barrel. Due to barrel is internally threaded, this gives producers the ability to maximize produc-tion in a specific size of tubing. The bottom hold-down design allows the ability to set pump at greater depths due to the equalization of pressure between barrel OD and tubing ID therefore elimi-nating “breathing” of barrel when it is exposed to the reservoir pressures.
- Low-sand wells
- Low-fluid-level wells
- Moderate depth wells
Benefits & Features
- High adaptability
- High-fluid-volume insert pump
- Thin-walled barrel
- Bottom hold-down
- Universally accepted design